What am I up to these days?

During the summer of 2023 I’ve decided to do something different and after almost 20 years of working in tech I am now CEO of Art of Accomplishment.

I encountered AOA during the early pandemic and it has had a profound impact on all aspects of my life. It offered an integration of many other modalities I practiced before and added to it the depth of emotional experience. Most of all, what really impacted me was how effective this work is.

After close to 9 years at Precision Nutrition, whose products also had a significant impact on my health and well being, this felt the right time for me to shift my attention.

Other things I am doing:

  • A multi-year training as a coach / facilitator.
  • Living a semi-nomadic life, this past year I visited Japan, Italy, Central America, California and Spain. It has been intense and blissful.
  • Coding for fun and profit, even if my new job is non technical I’ve always found that coding is a superpower and there’s many useful tools that can be created in any business.
  • Facilitating events, both tech meetups and AOA community.

My /now was last updated October 28, 2023. What is a now page?